"The goal is not to be better than the other man, but to be better than your previous self"

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New Class Name and Time @ Naydenov Gymnastics in Vancouver!
Classes are now @ 7pm on Sundays in Vancouver!
New Class is called MOVEMENT TRAINING
where we learn parkour-style moves, strength, conditioning, balance, climbing and more.
Learn how to navigate obstacles and perfect the moves to do so in a fun, safe environment!
Eugene classes at NAAG continue under "Ninja Training" on Tues+Thurs.
Lawrence/KC classes have been cancelled indefinitely. Our second instructor has graduated college (congrats!) and we do not have a replacement lined up :(
Please reach out to Edge in North KC and LGA in Lawrence for Open Gym schedules, both are excellent facilities with top-notch coaches. Just remember to be extra safe and don't be afraid to ask for a spot if you are training alone.
Thanks again to the entire Lawrence, Topeka, Kansas City, and LGA community! We love and miss all of you and promise to restart the program as soon as we can! Train Safe!
- Jason + Sam
Class Starting in Vancouver WA/PDX!
Classes Starting This Week at Naydenov Gymnastics in Vancouver WA
7-8pm Mon+Weds
See you there!
Classes Continue at NAAG in Eugene OR
Advanced M+W @ 7:30
Youth Class Tu+Th @ 6:30
Join Jake for a fun, exciting and engaging class this week!
Thanks National Academy of Artistic Gymnasts in Eugene, OR!
We have just finished up an awesome kick off class, Mini-Ninjas, at National Academy of Artistic Gymnasts and Jake will be taking full instruction of the class starting Jan 12th!
The program was launched successfully in the summer of 2016 by TraceAD and the awesome kids in Eugene, OR at National Academy of Artistic Gymnasts. Check the Videos page for videos to the Eugene class obstacle courses!
Parkour classes Starts June 5th!
June 2016
We are starting back up with the summer session on Sunday June 5th at LGA! Please see the calendar for more info.
We are so pleased to introduce Braxton as a new instructor and excited about the acrobatic potential he will bring to the group!
Class times will stay the same, but the structure may be a little different. We will not restrict by age, but rather by skill. Class times and levels are as follows:
5:00-6:30pm - Anyone still perfecting the moves and learning the basics. Here you will get detailed instruction on the form of each move, drill, gain strength, and learn to perform the move on call.
6:30-8:00pm- You know the basic moves, and can do them on call, you have good form and now you want to string them together into a fluid run, or work on complex combos.
If you attend the later group, you need to know the names of the moves, and how to do them. We will not be spending much time on teaching the basics, and you will be expected to know the names of moves as we call them out. If you need more practice, come to the early class until you feel ready to keep up!
Jason and Sam's last KC Instruction
May 1st, 2016
This will be the last week that Sam and Jason will be instructing in Lawrence, Riverside + KC Area, as we are moving to Eugene, Oregon for graduate school and great adventures! We are SO grateful for the time we get to spend with our classes!! We will be here for the first class of summer, June 5th! If you can't stop by tonight, please come by in June! Continue to train hard and challenge yourself to be better every day!
Signing off,
Jason & Sam
Upcoming Events
Parkour Knowledge
Parkour is a philosophy that incorporates a method of moving within your environment and approaching obstacles of any kind, be they physical or mental, in the safest and most efficient way.
What is the Parkour philosophy?
Parkour philosophy is a mindset to help you overcome obstacles mentally and physically. The practice is not competitive, and encourages one towards self improvement. It can often be compared to the martial arts because it is a discipline that focuses on mastery and improvement. As you learn the physical aspects and master the movements, you learn about your own body, overcome fears, learn to interact with the environment, gain control of your mind and body, and encourage yourself to excel. You develop spatial awareness, efficiency, balance, will power, courage, and honesty. The philosophies can be applied mentally and physically and can be seen positively influencing many aspects of your life.
Movement of the Day
by Eric Wolff
To see more videos..
Want to learn? Classes are available
Parkour classes challenge students both physically and mentally. Students will stay highly active during class, engaging in creative drills and games in a fun, safe environment, all while learning important aspects of the parkour philosophy such as overcoming fear, solving problems, and setting goals.
Calendar | Class times | Locations

Try it out: PopVault
Pop vault: Wallpass(Pop Vault), Getting over a tall object usually by a use of a step into the wall to turn forward momentum into upward momentum, then climbing up with your arms.
Feet should reach the obstacle first, with a strong kick into the wall, no higher than your own hip level, projecting you upwards to grab the edge or top with your hands. Quickly pull yourself up to hanging half cat and step up with your feet.
Trace A+D Parkour | | 816.974.TrAD | | KCMO.PDX | 816.974.8723 | Trace AD